Brewster stores Gyroids!

Nov 12, 2008
I don't know if people already knew this, but i remeber reading a while back on these forums that somone said there was a rumor that Brewster could store gyroids. Everybody siad it was unlikely, well it's true. I just decided to talk to Brewster for no reason and I happened to have a gyroid in my inventory. He said he liked Gyroids and he could store them. i hope some people don't know this. I found this by complete accident, so yeah.
Yeah, we've been over this but I'm sure some of the people who've only joined in the last few days don't yet know...

P.S. And until the search works, I see this happening a lot...
Havanacus said:
Yeah, we've been over this but I'm sure some of the people who've only joined in the last few days don't yet know...

P.S. And until the search works, I see this happening a lot...
Indeed, that needs to be fixed.

Stormcommander, get to work! :throwingrottenapples: B)
Yeah I knew it was true all along because when KK plays you a song they show a shot of Brewster with two gyroids in his shelf behind him.
deathparty666 said:
it even mentions it in the guide book
orly? In the Guide Book or Strategy Guide?

And Brewster is beginning to be like my 2nd favorite character next to K.K. Slider! He's helping me out with my Gyroid Collecting! :gyroiddance:
do u mean he stores them for you? Or you can place them in his cofee shop? cause honestly him just storing gyroids isnt very epic.
Does he just randomly ask you or you have to do somthing for him to store them? Cause he still isnt storing them for me xD
Axolotl Alex said:
Bell_Hunter said:
Does he just randomly ask you or you have to do somthing for him to store them? Cause he still isnt storing them for me xD
Well does he know you like gyroids? ;)
Well i only have one xD
Cause i cant find more but i always take them with me when i go to buy Coffee.

Im still looking for them though.

I like rabbits =)