Ask The Staff: Non site-related questions!


Retired Staff
Jan 5, 2005
Love Tokens
Heart Dust
November Birthstone (Topaz)
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Feel free to ask the staff any questions here.


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January-July 2014

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Ask the Staff

Why is there 2 of these threads?
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One be dead I accidentally killed it, and red is a nice color right?
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Sigh... though the bunny wars were an awesome thing as I remember them, it was also the single spammiest thing I have ever done, and I had a cafe dedicated to spam... so no I don't think I will again :p

Chicken really? I am not a vegetarian nor allergic to chicken, so yes I like it, I honestly have yet to run into some who does dislike for any other reason really...
Ask the Staff

Well the neutrons have to be spinning, and then magnets can do it :p
Who do you think I am? the third Doctor? Thank you google :p

and being a mod... hardly different except you get really annoyed by spammers as opposed to just annoyed.
Ask the Staff

Sporge27 said:
Well the neutrons have to be spinning, and then magnets can do it :p
Who do you think I am? the third Doctor? Thank you google :p
>.> I thought you wouldn't get that...but you cheated using google!

Do all Mods like to use google when I talk about Doctor Who?
Ask the Staff

TheDoctor said:
Sporge27 said:
Well the neutrons have to be spinning, and then magnets can do it :p
Who do you think I am? the third Doctor? Thank you google :p
>.> I thought you wouldn't get that...but you cheated using google!

Do all Mods like to use google when I talk about Doctor Who?
I actually watch doctor who, though I haven't seen the old ones enough to quote things.... I just use google for most things I don't quite get :p

I mean it is practically an extension of my brain when on a computer, it is pretty sweet :p
Ask the Staff

Sporge27 said:
I mean it is practically an extension of my brain when on a computer, it is pretty sweet :p
that it is.

dear sir or madame,

what is your favorite vidya gaem, and why?

Ask the Staff

TheDoctor said:
Sporge27 said:
Well the neutrons have to be spinning, and then magnets can do it :p
Who do you think I am? the third Doctor? Thank you google :p
>.> I thought you wouldn't get that...but you cheated using google!

Do all Mods like to use google when I talk about Doctor Who?
Well seems as nobody else is sad enough to watch it a big fan of it, I guess so.
Ask the Staff

Why is Sporge the only one answering? :p

Was there ever a time where you found yourself (I'm gonna sound like a dork saying this) On the "wrong side of the banhammer?" :p
Ask the Staff

Live? What do you mean?

Wrong side of the ban hammer... eh closest I got was my spam cafe and I fought it with reason.

I'm the only one answer cause... I am the only one answering :p
Ask the Staff

Ok, I'll answer the last one.

My IP was banned once when my brother created an alt back in the first month I joined. I got blamed for it but I got the staff to take away the ban. :p
Ask the Staff

Sporge27 said:
TheDoctor said:
Sporge27 said:
Well the neutrons have to be spinning, and then magnets can do it :p
Who do you think I am? the third Doctor? Thank you google :p
>.> I thought you wouldn't get that...but you cheated using google!

Do all Mods like to use google when I talk about Doctor Who?
I actually watch doctor who, though I haven't seen the old ones enough to quote things.... I just use google for most things I don't quite get :p

I mean it is practically an extension of my brain when on a computer, it is pretty sweet :p
What is your favourite Doctor Who episode then? I like The Five Doctors (I've watched it on DVD 'cos, well, I wasn't alive when it was first shown)