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Are you a Pacifist?

Are you?

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moon doll
Jul 15, 2015
Throwback Tickets
White Cosmos
White Cosmos
White Cosmos
White Cosmos
I find war to be an annoyance (like any sane person would), its hard to sit here and say I'm a pacifist when in actuality I'm not, if my country was ever under attack I would not be against it, because its my country, however if my country was to ever try to invade a country I would be against.

I would never fight in a war because its against everything I stand for, peace.

Its such a shame that the world hasn't stopped their feuds for the greater good, which is peace.

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Ideally, yes. But if somebody else starts a war with your country, then how can you not fight back? War will exist as long as mankind is greedy, selfish, and violent. War is terrible. But being a true pacifist basically means to also be against defending your country. :( I still hate war, and I wish there could be peace. But I don't see that happening in my lifetime.
Ideally, yes. But if somebody else starts a war with your country, then how can you not fight back? War will exist as long as mankind is greedy, selfish, and violent. War is terrible. But being a true pacifist basically means to also be against defending your country. :( I still hate war, and I wish there could be peace. But I don't see that happening in my lifetime.

I feel the same way, I would love to live in a world where everyone and everything is okay.
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I only believe in violence if its self-defense. Bullies don't back down just because you don't fight back. That's the reason why they fight you. I just don't believe in unnecessary violence. If it was an option, I would choose peace. But bullies and aggressive people/countries make it so that we can't have it.
I don't believe in war or violence. Wouldn't like to put a name to it, though, just 'cause I feel it's very circumstantial.
While violence might be a terrible thing, some circumstances make it so it be your only option. Sadly, without hate we wouldn't know peace and love.
Violence isn't my first choice, but I'm not going to sit there and be a punching bag if words aren't doing the job.
I'm against stupid wars, but if someone attacks you, then you shouldn't just fight back; you should absolutely destroy the hell out of their country so they won't be tempted to do anything stupid again.
It's sad, but war is the natural order of life. Things like greed and pride, which are useful, in theory, reign supreme over peace and heart. And they'll be the death of humanity on a long enough timeline. With the unpredictable Donald Trump about to take office, it certainly feels imminent that something on a global scale is about to happen. Perhaps nothing will, and life will go on as it was without him in office, but things just feel eery right now. To me, anyways.
I'm against stupid wars, but if someone attacks you, then you shouldn't just fight back; you should absolutely destroy the hell out of their country so they won't be tempted to do anything stupid again.

Yeah, let's just kill a bunch of civilians, including children, out of vengeance. That's the answer! I hope you don't actually feel this way because that is just messed up.. War is waged by the leaders of the country, not by its people. Why would you ever want to destroy the whole country? The majority that would die would be innocent people who had no say in the attacks, and are also probably trying to survive. This is very cold hearted and cruel..
I'm against wars / confrontation / violence of any sorts but I feel like sometimes it has to be the answer in absolute worst case scenarios. But I would rather people just avoided it at all costs.
I'm 100% against unnecessary violence hurting innocent people, but aside from that sometimes violence is the only answer some people understand.
Yeah, let's just kill a bunch of civilians, including children, out of vengeance. That's the answer! I hope you don't actually feel this way because that is just messed up.. War is waged by the leaders of the country, not by its people. Why would you ever want to destroy the whole country? The majority that would die would be innocent people who had no say in the attacks, and are also probably trying to survive. This is very cold hearted and cruel..

I should clarify what I meant by "destroy the hell out of their country". I'm not favor of just shooting, bombing, etc. civilians during a war just for the sake of killing them for vengeance, fun, or something like that. What I meant to say is that during a war, a country should be trying to destroy the enemy's infrastructure and not hold back on that front because of the fear of "collateral damage". In a way, a country's people are responsible for their leaders' actions; they're often the reason why the leaders are the leaders. Even in countries where the leaders are not democratically elected; it still takes some level of support and enabling by the people for the leaders to be able to stay in power.
I voted "I can't decide". I feel war should be avoided, but if they were attack us, then yes, war is necessary.
i'd try everyway to try and reason it out but most people don't understand