Animal Selling/Adoption Awareness

I’m super careful about villager trading and adoption because of what could go wrong. Definitely.

I’ve adopted a villager and the person wanted me to talk to the villager first before dropping payment. That was a test of good faith on their part and I appreciated it.
2020 and day old accounts make me go 🤔
I would never trade with them unless they were pretty active.
I mean, I have a 2020 account date. I’m new here but not new to AC. That being said, I’m not running around offering top tier villagers for hundreds of NMTs, so perhaps that’s less suspicious lol.

I am actually really bothered by the thought of selling villagers, it’s just something I personally couldn't make myself do. So whenever I have someone leaving I want to give them away if I think it could be someone’s dreamie. Does that look suspicious because I have a relatively new account? Just curious what people think when I post in the New Neighbor Network lol. I do worry though, with more popular villagers whether I will end up giving someone away to someone who is just looking to resell them for a profit. I’d feel really crappy about that.
Well some people ask you to pay first. If you pay first and end session, they can kick you out. Or someone said they paid, went to talk to a villager, wasn's moving, then the person kicked them out.
ah my bad, I thought the game state reset if you shut down your game online. I think I must have gotten lucky because I’ve just been trading with anyone because of that hahah
I've been thinking that too. Or maybe a post minimum (50? 100?) just so that these new people can kind of integrate themselves into our community first before jumping right into the "money making"

This obviously wouldn't affect me since I've been on here for almost 7 years now. But putting myself in the shoes of a new member, I might not stick around this place if I were forced to make 50-100 posts in order to get down to trading.

I think it's kind of sad too that a lot of people in this thread are saying that they wouldn't trade with a new member unless they were super active or had high rating. Everyone has to start somewhere. We all had 1 day old accounts at some point or another.

When you sell something that something stops belonging to you and goes to another person. That person is then free to do whatever they want to do with that item/villager/etc... whether they keep it for themselves, give it away or sell it for way more than they bought it for. That's just something that you have to accept when you sell or give away villagers.
Hey, I agree we should exerce caution, but please don't be suspicious "just" because of a sign up date 2020! I signed up not even a month ago, because I didn't play NL (just WW) and didn't know the first thing about trading online.
I signed up here to find people to play with, trade and learn more about the game and its community.
The fact that NH went out during the quarantine also attracts people like me, with only good intentions and too much time on their hands. It's not necessarily negative... Please don't refrain from trading/exchanging with us just because we didn't know about the forum before NH...

That said, I have seen a lot of people coming here for the sole purpose of trying to sell a villager (most of them are not even trying to hide it) and I also think it would be a good idea to not allow creating new threads in the trading sections until the account are a week old or have like 50postings or so...
While I agree that people should use caution when trading and/or selling, I'm not sure I agree with having post limits before being allowed to trade. I've been a member for almost a year now and have traded many times, but my post count still has not reached 50. I'm getting close, but not there yet. I hate to think that I would not have been allowed to do my trades just because I haven't posted enough. I'm a very quiet, introverted person and I just don't post as often as more outgoing people will, but I'm here almost every day reading everything.

As for not trading with people who don't have enough feedback... if no one will trade with them, how are they ever supposed to get feedback? Also, everyone who trades with you doesn't always leave feedback. I've definitely done more trades than my feedback shows. Everyone has to start somewhere. I wouldn't do any high value trades with someone who just recently joined and has no feedback, at least not without extreme caution, but I would do regular trades where there's not much to lose.

Also, don't assume that everyone making a trade for something they don't need is being shady. I hate seeing people being taken advantage of by other people charging outrageous prices for things, so I've been frequently trading things I have for DIYs or items other people have, not because I need them but because I then turn around and GIVE those items to people I see asking for them. There's been many times when I see someone desperately trying to trade for something and being denied because they don't have a specific item the trader is looking for. If I have that item the trader is looking for, I will make the trade and then turn around and give the desired item to the person who originally wanted it and was denied. I've even had people on Facebook get mad at me because they see me turn around and give something to someone that I just traded them for. What difference does it make? If you got what you wanted from your trade, don't worry about what I do with the thing I traded for. It's MINE now and I can do what I want with it. Some of us really ARE just trying to be nice by giving things, even highly valued things, away.
I mean, I have a 2020 account date. I’m new here but not new to AC. That being said, I’m not running around offering top tier villagers for hundreds of NMTs, so perhaps that’s less suspicious lol.

I am actually really bothered by the thought of selling villagers, it’s just something I personally couldn't make myself do. So whenever I have someone leaving I want to give them away if I think it could be someone’s dreamie. Does that look suspicious because I have a relatively new account? Just curious what people think when I post in the New Neighbor Network lol. I do worry though, with more popular villagers whether I will end up giving someone away to someone who is just looking to resell them for a profit. I’d feel really crappy about that.
You also actually do the time to put a profile picture. You post. I can actually see your profile. You have a 100% rating so far. You’re profile doesn’t look shady. I would trade with you.

The new accounts I’m am talking about though. You can follow the trail of their shady ness. Haha. New people with hardly any ratings (Reading some negative feedback) selling and buying top tier villagers over and over.
yeah, i'm always a little reluctant to trade/buy from anyone new, i'm always much more comfortable trading with people i've seen interacting in the forums. i posted that i'm looking for molly, and someone pmed me. they were new, and they straight up told me that they bought her at a certain price, and they're asking for a higher price so they can have some "profit". like seriously? what was the point of buying her if you're just going to sell her in the end, you're just taking someone else's chance of getting their dreamie
Well, I always vet people first before a trade, check their history, if they've been reliable in previous trades, if they're greedy etc. I mean, feedback is there to be used!
While I agree that people should use caution when trading and/or selling, I'm not sure I agree with having post limits before being allowed to trade. I've been a member for almost a year now and have traded many times, but my post count still has not reached 50. I'm getting close, but not there yet. I hate to think that I would not have been allowed to do my trades just because I haven't posted enough. I'm a very quiet, introverted person and I just don't post as often as more outgoing people will, but I'm here almost every day reading everything.

As for not trading with people who don't have enough feedback... if no one will trade with them, how are they ever supposed to get feedback? Also, everyone who trades with you doesn't always leave feedback. I've definitely done more trades than my feedback shows. Everyone has to start somewhere. I wouldn't do any high value trades with someone who just recently joined and has no feedback, at least not without extreme caution, but I would do regular trades where there's not much to lose.

Also, don't assume that everyone making a trade for something they don't need is being shady. I hate seeing people being taken advantage of by other people charging outrageous prices for things, so I've been frequently trading things I have for DIYs or items other people have, not because I need them but because I then turn around and GIVE those items to people I see asking for them. There's been many times when I see someone desperately trying to trade for something and being denied because they don't have a specific item the trader is looking for. If I have that item the trader is looking for, I will make the trade and then turn around and give the desired item to the person who originally wanted it and was denied. I've even had people on Facebook get mad at me because they see me turn around and give something to someone that I just traded them for. What difference does it make? If you got what you wanted from your trade, don't worry about what I do with the thing I traded for. It's MINE now and I can do what I want with it. Some of us really ARE just trying to be nice by giving things, even highly valued things, away.

I am assuming that post includes anytime you post a thread of make a comment on a thread? I am not sure. If it is, then 50 for a year is actually pretty low. If they would a limit on how many post you had to make before trading, it doesn't had to be 50. But Posting 50 times is actually very easy. I have over 1364 post. I haven't made that many threads, so that is why I assume they count comments to. That would be at least 227 comments a year.

I’m not talking about assuming or not talking about people getting things to be nice and give to other people. I’m not assuming. I can see the trail. It’s so easy to see if you look at some of the profiles. They sell and rebuy top tier villagers. Reselling for lot of money is not “helping someone out”. The specific profiles I am seeing (specially the one I made this post for) had 50% rating. Only had two ratings. And they got one bad rating, because even though someone apparently won an auction for Raymond for 1500 NMT (which is nuts), that person ignored the winner to sell the animal on Discord. My friend paid REAL money to get 400 NMT from someone just so she could get her dreamies, because we are now I’m a ridiculous place of paying at least 200 NMT for a popular villager. She thought she was going to lose the auction because this other person clearly had more tickets them her from buying and reselling the same popular villagers over and over again. I would just rather the villagers go to someone who actually wants it, some someone looking for a profit.

I am not assuming. You can see it. And I am not saying every new person is shady. I am just telling people know they should look into someone before trading with them. It's very easy to see who you should and probably should not be trading with.

And yes. Everyone needs to start somewhere to get ratings. But you start small not big. If you want good ratings:
- make small trades (furniture)
- open your gates for people to get diys from villagers
-open your gates for people to sell turnips
-give new players some fruit to start off with (don’t ask for a ridiculous amount of money for starter fruit).
- follow through on deals you say you are going to
That’s how you get good ratings. But I am I’m no way every trading with someone new, who only had two ratings and one is bad. That already tells me what I need to know.
I am not responsible for them getting a good rating. They are. They do that when the make an effort. They do that when they give as much as they take. They do that by being reasonable, and not greedy. They do that buy being nice. They do these things, they will get good ratings. I think that's why people say, maybe there should be limits on certain things before they can trade. They actually want to see people making an effort that they actually wanna be positive contributing part of the community.
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50 posts is easy, but it defeats the point. if it’s easy, you can throw out a quick 50 posts before you scam somebody or whatever anyway. it’d just encourage a bunch of quick, low quality comments from people needing to up their post count to trade, imo. it wouldn’t prevent anything.

i might be a little biased, but I don’t think a post requirement is that good of an idea. if it worries you personally you can just choose to exclusively trade with people who have >50 posts or whatever anyway.
Thanks for the heads up!
I haven’t done any villager trading yet, but I’ll be sure to look out for some of these things when I do eventually get into villager trading