Am I missing a lot?

maybe a little, other programs have a lot of glitches, i have only had my new 1 for a few days and i laready found t2....(btw my comp is wrecked by it >_<)
i mean i dont wanna sound mean or im better than you or nething
if it came out like that

i just think that Photoshop is awsome and is alot better than paint
I made a sig in paint:

ok look

it would be impossible to do the stuff i do now with paint

it takes some effort but it would be 39423562694X harder on paint i agree

but photoshop has alot to offer
Pie_Or_Die said:
ok look

it would be impossible to do the stuff i do now with paint

it takes some effort but it would be 39423562694X harder on paint i agree

but photoshop has alot to offer
yeah photoshops a lot easier when you learn how to use it.
there was a saying

that i completely forgot

ok like

dont diss something untill u try it was the basics of it

i mean you will be AMAZED at what u can do with Paintshop


ok so umm ima go down and join in with that snowfight the devil started