5,000 Posts


Retired Staff
Dec 28, 2004
Sautéed Mushrooms
Yes, I have reached 5,000 posts. What does that mean? Well, that means I post a lot.

:p Not much else to say except all of my posts counted were good, I hope.

Also, that's right, 5,000 posts. Feel the heat Bulerias, I'm catching up.

Yes, Congrats!

Good luck catching up To Bulerias....

Maybe the Almightly Bul won't be so Almightly soon...

And you'd be the Almightly Dragon!

lets place bets, if the basement were deleted right now, how many posts would smarttech have?

A. none
B. 1-300
C. 301-1,000
D. 1,001-5,000

i vote... B.

congrats, i guess. :
A lot of my posts came from a secret board, not a lot are in the basement. Maybe 100, but I'm not sure.

Also, Bul and Blast know what I'm talking about. Don't you?
Well, you seem to have too much time....

You're younger than me, too.

And Bulerias has over 3K more than you.

Seriously, don't you do anything besides school, sleep, eat, homework and TBT?
PikMino42 said:
Well, you seem to have too much time....

You're younger than me, too.

And Bulerias has over 3K more than you.

Seriously, don't you do anything besides school, sleep, eat, homework and TBT?
Yeah, play RS, video games with my little sister, take walks, read books and other educational documents, and so on, and so forth.
