
Trundle, erm, I care about him, he's not some disposable thing. I will be open with him about it, so if he doesn't react well i'll try to move on.

Him touching me doesn't erk me at all, it's just plain cute imo, and I don't really shy away unless someones around.

Er, that weird rant thing, er, er, er..
I hope I wasn't the rant your talking about :( but I just know feelings and stories get worse when they just stew inside you, so just let it out and talk about it... don't just watch from afar and either let him pass by or waste time when it can get better if you DTR, or you can move on...
Hey, I know it's a little inappropriate to talk about, but if something were to happen, make sure you've got protection. I know you're very young, and to be honest I'm not sure how I feel about any kind of sexual relationship going on, but if that happens, don't forget protection.
Hey, I know it's a little inappropriate to talk about, but if something were to happen, make sure you've got protection. I know you're very young, and to be honest I'm not sure how I feel about any kind of sexual relationship going on, but if that happens, don't forget protection.

True some good advice here :3
I think having the time together just in general when you go and will be in the same area, just keep seeing how it plays out. From what you described I wouldn't be at all surprised if you just kept doing what your doing and the other person makes the first move. But if your nervous about it and have a friend in common having them bring it up may work, but it sounds like you don't need to worry just let it evolve and see what happens after you have that time. Good luck, I think this one will be ok sounds like they may make it clearer first from what you described.
I would just really make sure. If he is not, it would totally make your friendship weird. But from what you say, it seems like your feelings are being reciprocated... So fingers crossed! :)
Reading through this all reminded me of why I love this community. Everyone is so awesome. :)

Anyways, best of luck with it man. Would say more, but everybody pretty much said all that was needed to be said.
First, I think you're a little young dear so be mindful of things if you two were to progress. That aside, the roundabout thing of let me tell my friend to tell him ish hardly ever works. You cannot get what you want if you are not willing to take larger risks. Put some bass into your step and approach him. If it works then congratulations and if it doesn't, so what? If your friendship is strong enough then this will pass but if it isn't then no love loss. Knowing that you tried is a lot better than wondering what happens if you did. Besides that added power and confidence are great assets to carry on in life.
Bowie, thanks for that advice, but I don't think I'll need it.

Also, ty, ty and ty to everyone, gonna talk to him, learn what I need to know.
OK first off, congrats on being in a relationship, there are a lot of single people who are less fortunate than you.

Second, be calm about it. Approach it from a neutral point of view, because if he's bi, you don't want him to think you're not, and if he's not, he might make fun of you for being bi. So, address the issue politely, like, "So, I've noticed you've been very affectionate around me. Are you maybe indicating something?" Not exactly in that way, exactly, but just keep it very subtle. Once he's given his answer, you may ask him out or continue your friendship, depending on what he says. So anyways, just try to be calm, be relaxed, and be confident. And whatever he says, just go along with it. I hope everything goes well!
So, just got home.

I first off told him how I feel about him, he's unsure about his sexuality but he was perfectly fine with me being into him, it didn't change our friendship at all which i'm happy about.

We were glued together practically the entire weekend, and got really close, to the point where we're best friends, and we have a lot of common which isn't something i expected.

Last night, we were playing a game called "man hunt" so we partnered up, at one point we were laying under the stars talking and playing mario on my emulator, hiding from the seekers and to make you laugh, we got away when they found us by pelting a potatoe into their kneecap.

Once we went to bed, we were talking for a bit until I got daring and kissed him on the forehead, then we went to sleep and haven't talked about it.

So ya, I'm happy with where we are,even if he ends up being straight, we share something special, memories and a friendship where we're ok with hugging one another.
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