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  • Aah I'm glad! :3 Well I can do it whenever you can, if you can right now or later, I'm online most of the day :)
    Hello, Zen! Just wanted to confirm that you got my pm's? I wanted to know as to not worry because of the 24 hours rule on the contest :3
    Hello Zen. I was wondering if you could give any tips on how to get villagers to move out in New Leaf? Gwen moved smack-dab into my orchard two spaces away from my house. T_T
    Hi there. I was wondering if you had some information on the 7-11 DLC items. Am I right in thinking there are 10 so far? I'm trying to find out what their ingame names are so I can add them to my 'wants' list for my trading topic on here. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
    Hello Zen! I have a quick question pertaining to both New Leaf and the 3DS (XL) system.

    Which button do you use to save the game? Can you use either Select or Start? The reason I'm asking is because I got an XL the other day, and the Start button doesn't press in as well as the other two and doesn't make the same click sound. It does work, but I'd like to know if I can use Select to save the game as well, just in case.

    Thanks in advance!
    Hi Zen! nwn I just got the AC:NL Item Catalog from Japan, and noticed that in the furniture area, there's sections at the bottom with screenshots from various Nintendo games (Super Mario, various Zeldas, Metroid, etc.) and was wondering if you could tell me what they are? ;u;
    I notified my grandma She is now gonna get those guides!
    She will be back at the beginning of June.
    Thanks, Zen. I'll tell my grandma to get them.
    I'm gonna probably put temporary write on stickers to make the guide look english since i can romanise some of the katakana.
    about the guides, i'm thinking of getting them. i can read some of the Japanese, but are those guides text heavy? my grandmother is going to japan and she is probably going to get them for me.
    I read your "About Me" stuff and just have to ask you, how did you came up with such a cute town name as Zui? Its jsut so perfect: short, special/unusual first letter and sounds nice!
    wait, are the other prices of GracieGrace furniture series the same as City Folk?
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