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  • I apologize, unfortunately i had to give him to someone else, i will keep an eye out in my cycling town for him tho
    Hey there, for bell transfers, I'd prefer to do them in my town. I already have all of the bells laid out, and an ABD in my house. If this is fine with you, add me and I'll open my gates in a minute!
    Hi! I have an extra I do not need, since I bought a gold tool set but already own an axe, I can give it to you for 15 TBT c: My fc is 5086-4771-3698 since the axe is on my main town
    Gates are open and the thread is wonky! Send the TBT over whenever you're ready to pick up~
    Actually I have to go out soon, so we can trade later. I'll VM you when I'm free again.
    Hi you do have enough TBT xD. You see the curreny button under blog tree button at the top of the forum? You click on that and click on bells. After that you click "change account" and put my name on there. Then you put 30 on amount transfer and then click submit
    Hey! I read that you just recently reset your town on ACNL and you need some friends, and well, I'm actually in the same boat. :) If you don't mind I've added your friend code, so if you want to you can add mine and we can arrange to check out each other's underdeveloped towns together!
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