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  • The bells do not appear in your account until the next day! TT just one day forward and I promise the bells will be there. I thought the same exact thing the first time someone bought items at my retail.
    Don't trust Daniel, he will scam you. He is done it to many people before. 2.5K for the chocolate cake and we have a deal. That is just a guide and most of the time not updated, I have seen it go for 1K before.
    It's probably not worth that much (The pin) and you could get scammed. Who is giving you the code? If you don't mind me asking, oh and I really want a chocolate cake. Could you do 2K?
    I can give you in game bells for your chocolate cake or BTB. Your choice, oh and I would like to buy some things from you.
    Sorry about that, my mother passed away recently so i've been dealing with the funeral arrangements.

    I hope you managed to sell it on.
    Hi, yume my goddess. How are you doing these days? :rolleyes:
    Tanning?! So now you're tanned? If so I would like to see it, since I'm curious how it looks when glittery monster was tanned, pffft. xD
    I'm doing...well y'know, how stupid he is. But well, actually I guess I'm doing better than before. I miss you so much.
    Hi my sweet glitter monster~~~! xD
    I'm sorry for making you so worried. ;_; How are you doing?
    I tried to reply after your latest email. But I couldn't easily just because simply... when I finished discussing THAT then I had to go to my office for work, and when I got back, it was my midnight. All I could do was immediately passing out... exhaustion. Ugh. But I'll try to respond tonight! :rolleyes:
    pfew... that's good to hear! :)

    I'm glad I could help! You can come around everytime my gates open if you like :)
    Oh no! I don't know what happened :(
    do you still have all your items? it should have saved before it crashed :/
    okay :D when youre there, drop all your things just south-east from the train station. there is a really large, empty place :)
    Hi yume, my glitty! I'm sorry for no responding these a few days.
    I sent you exactly stupid message to your gmail account. I hope you won't be dumbfounded...
    Anyways have a nice day. :)
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