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  • Yea IGB is acceptable if you don't have TBT. Could you pick up Goldie in my alternative town and give the bells to my main town by chance? Also sure I can hold him until the end of tomorrow
    I saw your post on the "looking for" thread and I have Mira in boxes if you're interested :) no charge!
    The Blue Roses will give you a good, steady income as long as you have 2. Each is 2,500 bells, and they grow well. Enjoy Kid Cat! Thank you again for putting up with internet XD
    I'm here. Here will be our new method. First, you come pick up Kid Cat and leave. This should solidify you getting him. Then you can come and finish your money drop. When you are done, tell me. I want to give you 2 blue roses in compensation for all this hassle.
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