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  • Also, please check your friends list one last time to make sure I added you. ^^ And then open your town gates ~
    Um, also please tell me what your towns' name is ^^; I don't want to enter the wrong town
    Sure! Give me 5 minutes. I'm just going to add your FC ^^ My town name is Tiramisu and the mayor is Akihiko ~
    Sorry I was just gonna plant some trees before TTing. ;; Gates are open now, with Felyne! Feel free to run in and out as many times as you need to, just let me know when to switch. Do you want 22 after that or Kiki & Lala?
    Hello! Sorry, I'm still getting used to this site and didn't see your message. ;;
    You wanted Felyne, Kiki & Lala, and 22 right? If you're on now I can open gates starting with Felyne. :>
    Hi taco! sorry about becoming unavailable last night :) please let me know when I can deliver your palm tree lamp if you still want it.
    hiya I have your items ready~! I've just added you and opened the gates so you can come over whenever you're ready~! Gates of cashmoni~
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