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  • sylviabee - Order ready
    regal wall lamp 3600
    regal vanity 3200
    regal bookcase 3120
    regal bed 3120
    mama bear 1600
    aroma pot 1200 = 15840 + Fee = 20,000
    Oh! I understand! Mind if we trade later, since I was asleep at that time. How about maybe 10-15 hours from now? :)
    Alright! Now for the next couple days, keep an eye out for your villagers! You won't lose any while you TT but one will ask to move in the next few days! I was scared to TT to restore my grass as well, but once I did, I was so happy! Not afraid anymore :D
    Yeah it's completely fine as long as it's on the same date! And lol, I ask that question because I usually TT with my 3ds clock!
    Hey as long as it's the same date that Whitney pinged you and you declined, I can still TT! Also, Why don't you just change your D.S time instead?
    sylviabee - Order ready
    alpine chair 2000
    kitchen corner 1800
    kitchen sink 2400
    large alpine table 2400
    microwave 2300
    ranch dresser 2720
    refrigerator 1200
    stewpot 960
    stove 1980 = 17,760 + fee = 20,000 (9)
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