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  • Yea, she's free. I'll be online tomorrow from 12pm to pretty much all day/evening :)
    I'll send you a message when I'm online tomorrow.
    Sure, just let me know what your time zone is and when you think you'll be online. My time zone is EDT
    Are you still looking for Gala? She's in boxes in my cycling town if you're interested. Here's a link to the thread
    Ah ok! It's not that different then. Tomorrow I will be playing around 2 or 3 (3/4 around your time) and will be playing for a bit so let me know and we can visit each other ^^
    Hello! I will be unable to play tonight, I will be gone until late. Perhaps tomorrow? What time is it where you live? It is 6:30 at night here. Maybe we can plan accordingly if we know our time?
    Not a problem! I'm turning in for the night as well~ hope you rest well tonight.
    Sorry for replying so late, I'll get started on TT'ing Apple out for you now! =)
    I was waiting yesterday for your station to open... I still have your blue rose if you want it.
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