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  • Hi again! My apologies for not being back in time to say goodbye! Enjoy spending the bells! Thank you again, and for the wiki rating! I'll give you one too!
    No problem, next time you're online send me a PM (not VM, PM sends me an email so if I'm awake I'll see it and I'll get on if I have time).
    Hi! I'm here now and will be on for several hours, let me know if you're around, if not then let me know next time you're on :D
    No problem, just let me know whenever you're online, we have very different time zones so it may take a while for us to meet, but sooner or later we will trade :D Also, no need to TT you can just buy stuff from the stores and order some or something like that :)
    Yeah, I'm free right now for about 15 minutes, if you wanna come by and pick up! :D You wanted a Forest Wall, flashy hairpin, and a basket of bamboo, right? c:
    No worries, I completely understand. ^_^ Good luck with your move! When you're not busy anymore, send me another VM and I will see if I still have the stuff you wanted ^____^
    Okie, I'll try to be here! I have some people coming to look at our house around 1pm cst, because we're trying to sell it, so I'll have to start cleaning and stuff soon. >_< But I'm free all day after that~!

    Also, somebody bought the Sweets Mini Lamp(I'm so super sorry!). :x They wanted all of the sweets stuff that I had. So I will sell you all of the other things for only 75k~
    Hello there~ Next time you're online and available to trade, lemme know. I can sell you the flashy hairpin, sweets mini lamp, forest wall, and the basket of bamboo for 200k, if that sounds fair to you. ^_^
    Oh wow that sounds so hard! I wouldn't even be able to comprehend the work you'll have to do haha, but being able to make your own game must be so fun and rewarding :) I study criminology at uni, just finished my first year!
    Oohh nice!! I'm already finished for the summer (until the end of September!) but it'd be cool to do that, especially as I have no friends that are interested in animal crossing haha! What are you studying at college? :)
    hey!! so whereabouts in east england are you from if you dont mind me asking? its so unusual to find people from this area on just about anywhere online haha!
    okay! are you around now? i have to sleep soon so i can probably hang around for like 20 minutes or so otherwise feel free to give him to somebody else c:
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