• Thanks for playing! The closing ceremony for TBT World Championship 2024 has been posted. Congratulations to the winning team, Squirtle Squad! Update: The Master Ball raffle winners have now been announced and rewards have been distributed. Time to spend your Arcade Tokens!

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  • I forgot I still had myself set as invisible until I read your PM, lol. I am going to respond to it in full but before you go to bed I want to give you some things. ~ Do you still need purple roses?
    oh my gosh! haha~ that sounds exciting! I can't wait to visit your town again! and i'll try to be on the same time you are <3 :D Your town is amazing and I'm in love with your villagers! can't wait to see it when it's complete <3~
    oh my gosh thanks for all those gifts ! awesome as always! <3

    I'll have more red and white roses for you tomorrow <3 i'll message you soon! <3
    Thanks so much! ah so happy c':

    And by the way! hope you liked the pressies! they're random gifts so I'm not even sure what was in it! have a great night/day <3~ Come over anytime you want tomorrow! x
    haha! no problem~ I was super busy today too! message tomorrow or somewhere this week whenever you're free~ and i'll come over quick so you can sleep~ coming now! x
    Sorry for the late reply D: ~~~

    And oh my gosh! thank you soso much! c':~ I can come over whenever you want me to , just message back! Can I pay you ? I feel bad just taking it! ><~ thanks so much for your generosity XD~
    Hi, just wanted to drop by and say thank you so much for the bells you gave me. I used it on turnips and saving up bells. Thank you! :)
    hehe~ on my last sentence of saying "night! XD"
    anyways! please don't pay me anything at all! I love helping my friends for free! <3

    Tomorrow, you can message me and i'll come over right away to help! have a great night~
    Hello! just wondering if you wanted me to arrange all your flowers? all just some for your second beach?
    I can also arrange flowers on your main beach and your town if you'd like~
    I can get you these:
    {these two are almost as gracies every other day so I will get them when I see them!)
    butterfly dress
    dollhouse dress

    fish grill
    lunch tray
    ogre mask
    outdoor bath
    pot rock
    pink tank
    salad bar
    soda fountain

    No problem! hope you get better soon! Medications? D: Are you sick?! please get better soon! :( and please focus on your studies! you can put my wishlist as your last priority! your health and studies goes first! thanks so much! >< ~ And my coco avatar is amazingly cute isn't it? XD aaoh designed it! he designed me an extra one, would you like to use it? (: he also does other drawings! I can contact him if you'd like x
    oh my gosh your town is gorgeous ;-; all the hybrid flowers!~

    thank you for everything by the way. ><~
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