• LIVE A gaming event as part of The Bell Tree World Championship 2024 is currently being livestreamed on TBT's Twitch channel here -- spectators who chat on Discord can earn points too!

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  • I can hold anyone except Erik as I have him! I posted on your thread as well and I cycle in Team LOVE Cycling so you can look there for proof if you have concerns.
    Hi! I don't mean to be rude at all but is my order still available as I don't think we ever worked out a time for me to come and get it?:( Sorry for bugging you about this!
    Whoops, I forgot to ask, but could you please message me the next time you're online? Thanks :3
    Also, if we can't do our trade today, I won't be available until next Wednesday because of my exams >~<

    I'm so so so so so sorry about the inconvenience. I know this has been very time-consuming for you v.v
    Yep, I think so ~ Is that now? Huhu so sorry, I'm not very good with time zones ^^;
    Okay thats fine then, 3PM tomorrow would be great however do you think you would be able to send me a PM or something when you're ready as I have a terrible memory!:( Thanks!:)
    Hi~ Can I pick up my order tomorrow after 4? Something came up today :< Any time is fine for me ^^
    Thanks! Whenever you have it ready. I'm spanish so that may make things a bit difficult. Please tell me the approximate PST times you're online and I'll see which one is the best for me:)
    Hello~ can I still pick up my order please? I'll be ready when you're available, thankies :3
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