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  • oh lol x3 I just read your message... haha.. so yeah.. half an hour is fine x3 and alsoo.. I'll help you again with the flowers ! :3 it was a lot faster like that indeed!
    Sure! Will you still be available to trade in an half an hour? I'm cooking at the moment and I don't want to burn it x3 haha... In half an hour I'll open my gates and vm you! :3
    I'm so sorry, I haven't been online the last few days. I had some problems with my cat, which I had to take to the vet and my internet was super crappy! -.-
    Anyhow, everything is fixed now, so I was wondering if you were available to come and pick up your flowers today or tomorrow? :D
    yeah, that's the big problem with trading with people from different timezones x3 I'll also be available most of the weekend! :) I have 96 flowers stored for you on my beach (blue violets, pink cosmos and black tulips)
    When will you be available to pick up your flowers? ^.^ I will be online today, friday and in the weekend:D
    Hello~! I have a few questions regarding your art. Do you want lineart, a sketch or colored lineart? No extra charge for you since you're already paying so much. And I need a Ref of your mayor please c:
    hi! sorry for the delay but that's me got your flower order now :) just let me know when you're available for me to deliver, thanks so much!
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