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  • I am not sure if I deleted you or not, what was your 3DS name? I was doing some cleaning lately because I had almost 90 people on my list. And so happy you want to take her, she was keeping me from TTing!
    Yup, now you can do whatever you want, once I talked to her she will move in no matter what you to to your game. :)
    Don't worry, I am super careful when visiting others' towns, so no worries. I'll be there in a moment!
    Oh thanks! I have some hybrids I could give you, or if you want any of my non-dreamie villagers except for Ed, I'd be happy to trade. c: Or just some bells.
    Okay! Well, I am going offline now because I am sleepy, but feel free to leave yours. Mine is listed on my profile, so you can easily get it. ^^
    It does lol. And umm, I am not sure, can't really say now. Also, 29th? Did she say she is moving on 30th? Because if so, then she'll be in boxes on 30th and then gone the next day. So we'll have to wait until then. Unless you get rid of your turnips first that is. :)
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