Recent content by okaimii

  1. okaimii


    I miss playing The Sims. Why did my laptop have to crash? :(
  2. okaimii

    What Do You Look Like?

  3. okaimii

    What model is your 3DS?

    Black N3DS XL. :)
  4. okaimii

    Best 3ds games?

    Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward most definitely. The prequel to that game is actually on the DS (called Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors) but it's incredibly unique and nothing like any other game I've seen. They also came out with the third and final game of the series called Zero Time...
  5. okaimii

    Post Your Room!

    All of these rooms are beautiful! You guys have such creativity. My rooms never look good lol
  6. okaimii

    Does any villager have the same birthday as you?

    Chrissy and I share a birthday on August 28. I always thought it was kind of funny too because Chrissy's name can be a nickname for my name: Kristina.
  7. okaimii

    Have you ever NOT wanted a certain neighbor because of their popularity?

    No. I actually think it's odd to avoid certain villagers because of their popularity in the first place. Popular villagers are popular for a reason: they're widely liked. It's a game and not some social status thing to see who has more "unique" villagers lol
  8. okaimii

    Cleft chin?

    I don't have one but my older brother does. They're really unattractive to me.
  9. okaimii

    Your Dialect (quiz map)

    Most similar: Rockford, Aurora, Chicago Least similar: New Orleans, Jersey City, Newark/Paterson It was pretty accurate! I live near those areas in Illinois.
  10. okaimii

    Tia or Chai?

    They're both very cute villagers but I feel like Chai is a little over the top for me~
  11. okaimii

    My Unpopular Opinions... Yours?

    Beyonce is overrated
  12. okaimii


    I've never really been bullied like that but I do know that some people would talk behind my back. At first it hurt my feelings (some of those people were my friends) but honestly I couldn't care less now. I'm on to better things and I have goals set for myself. I can't be bothered by people who...
  13. okaimii

    POLL: Is human cloning wrong?

    My thoughts exactly.
  14. okaimii

    Favorite Animal(s) Bruh

    Red pandas, foxes, and cats!