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  • Oh wow your awesome. I think you could probably take out the competition. If you ever want someone to play with who's your level, pufflekirby is probably at the same level as you and is also a zelda/wii fit trainer main.

    Good games though! I sucked so badly XD Good luck in the tournament though! :)
    Oh, sorry I disappeared, I'm here now! It was best of three, and omega please :)
    Looks like we're up against each other for the smash tournament! I'm available from 12AM-7AM EST, but if those times don't work for you, let me know and I'll see if I can make it.
    Sunday will work for me. I'm busy tomorrow as well. Sorry for the lack of replies, my older brother actually took the Wii U with him LOL;;
    Okay sounds good! I'm in central time too. Unfortunately, I won't be home until 9...is there a time you can play tomorrow that works for you?
    Actually, you're versing me lol;;;
    I will add you as soon as I get home from school. What time zone are you in?
    The tournament has begun!
    You can find the bracket here (x)
    And the original thread here (x)

    Now get smashing! :cool:
    It's cool, figured it was powersaved or smth. I thought about doing that myself to save the villagers to hand out, but alas, we both have digital copies q.q
    oh! I can't believe i forgot to mention. My main town is Waffles (in the siggy) 1564-2917-9143 is the FC. Cookies is on my Bf's DS >____< so i just use that to cycle while we get enough TBT to build his town. Sry about that.
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