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  • Cool as that's fine with me. Just let me know when we can. Now I have cataloged a bit so it'll be easier just to leave your stuff out because even if I have already cataloged it, it'll just take to long to type out what I have already hehe
    Hey not to rush you, but are you close to being ready? Sorry if it seems like I am rushing you
    Hey sorry again,but could you hold my items I have a few left and the other person had to leave. Again I'm sorry for the inconvenience
    I expected you to VM me sometime, but you haven't yet. When are we going to trade?
    Do you mean my turnip price? I have no idea what pattern I have, but I could check to see what my price currently is.
    And I'm honestly fine with 2000 bells, and I'm not taking any more. :p
    Really, the economy on here is so messed up and items, whether orderable or not, are so overpriced on here. I'm not like that and I'm not going to go with the mass, 2000 bells is enough for such a cheap item and 450% more than the original price sounds a bit ridiculous to me.
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