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  • Ohey! Just to let you know, I've managed to secure Renée :) .. So you can just void her, or give her away to someone else if you want :) .. But thanks for trying! :D
    Strange D: .. But okay :) .. Hope she moves out soon :p .. As soon as someone asks to go, then you can skip 4 days, and someone new will be trying to go as well :) (if you wanna avoid weeds and such, just switch to beautiful ordinance) .. I dunno if you knew that, but it's a good way to cycle out villagers.. Just make sure any you wanna keep are talked to often, so they ping you :)... The villagers you wanna get out you can also speak to, so you know when they're going.. But you can just skip one day at a time 'til you know who's going
    Okay! I'm adding you right now, but it seems my 3DS is having some issues. >:T

    Would you like to visit my town?
    I was wondering if you'd like to wifi with me sometime? You seem really nice o:
    Hey, unfortunately Phoebe moved... she was in the campsite of my friend's town, and she forgot to put the time back... :| Sorry!
    Hey, do you think you can give my friend the 7/11 series and a sloppy chair for Phoebe? c:
    Hi Mokuren,

    I saw a recent post of yours and I was wondering if you could help me with my town as well? I can pay you well. Its just, I suck at laying path patterns and I know you cannot drop patterns in somebody elses town, but you can lay items out and I place patterns where you drop items.

    Also, do you have a dream code?
    Oh! Hi Mokuren~, I'm happy to hear from you.
    You've been busy for awhile maybe? It is good to be busy for other things, but I missed you~. ;_;
    Holding your Lunar and Rococo still. PM me if you still interested. XD
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