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  • Yeah I ended up being busy today. Just like every other day... >_<

    If you're on right now I can give you the flowers.
    I can try to get on tomorrow evening. Ever since school started I've been a bit too busy to play AC:NL or any game for that matter. If I'm not busy I will be on tomorrow evening around 8pm.
    Eh, I just let them do whatever they want. If they want to learn the hard way then so be it.

    There's a lot of things people do that I can't stand, like listen to modern-day music, or when they gossip and spread rumors, or when they go to school and don't take advantage of the opportunity. It really is sad, but you know, some people gotta learn the hard way.
    I saw what you wrote about prople taking their life for granted and I agree. I was just discussing this with my mom earlier today. My mom saw a picture of a shower that you could lay in, and she told me she wanted it and she would use it all the time. I told her that she wouldn't.

    Here's what happens: people get something they have always admired and they love it for about a month or so. Eventually, it becomes a norm for them and it becomes part of a daily routine. We know that people crave entertainment, and when someone does the same thing everyday they get bored with it and take it for granted. And the sad part is that they don't stop taking it for granted until they almost/lose it.

    It's hard to make people appreciate things, and it's even more difficult to see them learn it the hard way. I have days when I'm sad or depressed, but I always appreciate everything I have and take care of my things. I don't like to take things for granted because I know that nothing lasts forever.
    I have the pink and orange rises reserved for you. I can trade tomorrow from 11 AM to 8 PM CST
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