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  • hey! i'm going to be online for a little bit and can get roscoe to you in about 10 minutes if you still need him. n_n
    hello! let me know when you're online so i can box benjamin. he'll be free of charge this time around since you're a new member. if you'd like hazel, please fill out another request form when you have space for her + she'll be 30 tbt. thank you!
    I don't mind really, I'll more or less be online for the next 7 hours or so, so whenever really
    I don't mind really, I'll more or less be online for the next 7 hours or so, so whenever really
    I don't mind really, I'll more or less be online for the next 7 hours or so, so whenever really
    I don't mind really, I'll more or less be online for the next 7 hours or so, so whenever really
    I'm actually home from work already! I can get him in boxes soon for you or if you want you can wait a lil bit to waken up more?
    sorry i've been super distracted the past few days, lmk when you're on tomorrow and I can get him in boxes
    nah it's alright it's only half 7 now, I just had a busy day at work and last night I had to drive my friend home at like 11/half 11 ish when I was already pretty knackered
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