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  • alright ill send you a dodo code in a minute c: btw i have like 3 more red cute furniture do you want to cataloge them too?
    i have time right now! let me know if that works for you and ill send you a dodo code c:
    hi c: you can come over to cataloge all the stuff for 3 tickets whenever you got time :3
    Hi, my thread is acting up so I'm not sure if you saw my post, I'm open for walker. :] there's no one behind you so just swing by when you can.
    Would be 11am (GMT+1) work to you? I have not so much time tomorrow, also I
    actually want to start cycle out some villagers from my town, but I can't
    because of Whitney. It would be really great, if you could pick her up
    tomorrow... Sorry! ;-;
    So you have no time now to pick her up? Well, have you time tomorrow at 11am (GMT+1)?
    Because I have a busy day tomorrow and I also can't hold Whitney so long anymore... :S
    Well, ok. I can wait the 10 minutes, but then I must really go to bed. :/
    Let me know, when you are ready...
    May I ask how long do you need for Lobo? Because I will going offline in 10 minutes,
    I have to get up early tomorrow and it is quite late now...Of cause I will hold
    Whitney till tomorrow. Do you have maybe earlier time then 10pm (GMT+1)? I have
    time tomorrow from 11am (GMT+1). Sorry! ;-;
    Hi! That's ok! You can have her! When do you have time to pick her up? My
    timezone is GMT+1 (it's 11 am here), you can contact me, when you have time! :)
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