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  • Yeah.. well what I meant was I wouldn't pay 5 euros for two map/nations dlc only I could rather get a Ben & Jerry's lol

    alas.. going out anyways.. going on the train cant be that cold ahah
    Yeah on this sale the dlc were like 1.25 € each or something so probably getting that and some other cheap stuff I want.. feel a bit lol getting stuff for just the dlc haaha
    Talking about Steam I kinda need to get the last Civ V dlc now that they are finally both of them on discount.. Apparently I never got the Scramble packs so. yer
    And... too cold :( Probably around 0-1 C or something but pretty windy and cold in the air so it feels more..
    Do that :) Yea I should or because I will probably buy too much and it takes sometimes to get there-- Maybe later this week.
    Hiya. Is back now and what I mostly play on Steam is bullet hell, strategy and visual novel stuff.. I think.
    I'll send payment over and just gift it to her when you get a chance. She's the only thing that comes up for cardenasjj :>
    I'll be online at around this time.
    I work on one layer so it'll be hard - but i'll try.
    who's hair did you want shorter? the males?
    Yeah I feel, I havent even touched half my Wii U games because of school and holidays. I have MH3U but I only played like.. 10 mins. I was gonna play it while my fiance was gone but I never had the time for it, and now I dont want to play it while hes here because its single player and I'd rather play a multiplayer game with him. Such is life, lol.

    And yeah I'll edit it tonight ^^ I usually just do one standard height regardless of the person's actual height but you'll probably want to use yours together so that makes sense.
    Yeah, I'm kinda back. Well I'm trying to be xD Its still the holidays and my fiance is here so I have a lot less time even without school ;w; Finals were.. stressful and annoying, as per usual. I did pretty good on everything except AP Art History, which I'm getting a B (88%) in because I got a 58% on my final lmao. At least its over for now though ^^

    edit: just finished your pixels ^^
    Hey! Just realized I forgot to do your pixel chibis Dx I'll have it out to you tomorrow~ Sorry I forgot, I got caught up in finals ;w;
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