Recent content by Kallicalico

  1. Kallicalico

    Cycling Iwatobi Cycling [CLOSED]

    Oh crap, I missed out on Coco ;______; I didn't realize she would be gone so fast. It wouldn't have made much of a difference, though, I had to work today. D: Oh well. ;v; I'll keep looking some more, but I'll still keep lurking just in case if any of my dreamies pop up here.
  2. Kallicalico

    Cycling Iwatobi Cycling [CLOSED]

    I have a friend who's looking for Coco. I informed her about it and sent her the link but, til then, I'll be lurking for her. c:
  3. Kallicalico

    Giveaway Lolly the Sweet Normal Kitty~

    I actually lost her a while back and I'm trying to slowly get her back into my town. ;v; She was an awesome addition to my town, lol. I miss her. >:
  4. Kallicalico

    Giveaway Lolly the Sweet Normal Kitty~

    That's very sweet of you to do this. c: Sweet as bonbons! And, of course, Lolly's one of my dreamies! ;v; (I've visited your town in a dream, once, but since I'd like to push myself to draw more I'd be glad to draw something for you tomorrow. ;v; )
  5. Kallicalico

    Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

    I just wanted to make sure. uvu Thank you again~
  6. Kallicalico

    Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

    I'm sorry to be a bother, but I just want to update my order real quick. I received Ankha earlier this evening and I just want her marked as 'received' in my sig. I'll pay the extra if it's too much of a bother. ;v;
  7. Kallicalico

    Giveaway [Quick Raffle] - Ankha

    Ahhhh!! Holy crap, thank you!! ;v; I'll add you now as well!
  8. Kallicalico

    Giveaway [Quick Raffle] - Ankha

    Oooooh! I'd love to enter, please!~ ;v;
  9. Kallicalico

    Giveaway ANKHA raffle! ends at 10:00 PM EST (WINNER ANNOUNCED)

    Just wanted to give a free bump~ uvu Thanks again for the opportunity, btw! I'm so excited. ;v;
  10. Kallicalico

    Giveaway ANKHA raffle! ends at 10:00 PM EST (WINNER ANNOUNCED)

    I got it in the TBT Marketplace, actually. O: Is that still alright? I'll link you the post here, just in case:!-Check-thread-for-request-openings!-%26%239829%3B&p=3126323&viewfull=1#post3126323
  11. Kallicalico

    Giveaway ANKHA raffle! ends at 10:00 PM EST (WINNER ANNOUNCED)

    Ahhhh, I would love to enter! (I'm still waiting for my signature to be done, but oh well. ;v; ) Ankha~
  12. Kallicalico

    Giveaway ★ Marshal,the smug squirrel ★

    I think, because of Mint, I've become very fond of squirrels in this game. So of course I'm going to be fond of Marshal. I can also imagine that him and Mint would get along fairly well in my town. *w* Plus, I like his normal expression/ eyes. I don't know why... I just do, lol. o: (Sea lions!)
  13. Kallicalico

    Cycling Simply Cycling ❅ 50 pages giveaway! WINNERS ANNOUNCED!!! ❅ [Online]

    Good luck on the laptop problem. D: And congrats on the 50 page posts! ;v; Yay!! My favorite villager has always been Mint! I've had her ever since I've started playing AC:NL and she's such a cutie. I'm lucky that I got her in the first go. uou She's just so adorable and cute (and have you ever...
  14. Kallicalico

    Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

    Awesome! Thank you, Pengutango ;v;
  15. Kallicalico

    Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

    Username: Kallicalico Town: Patria Mayor: Kalli Border: Dotted Template Shape: Rounded Rectangle Colors: black, 9DDB9A Background: n/a Font Preferences: n/a Villagers: n/a Include names under sprites?: n/a Include dreamies?: Mint (obtained), Cally, Diana (obtained), Felicity, Lolly, Kiki...