Recent content by Jackfrost

  1. Jackfrost

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  2. Jackfrost

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  3. Jackfrost

    ...Is this a glitch?

    So, I was walking around my campsite and I noticed that Goldie was sitting, but it wasn't in a chair. I've never seen this happen before, so is this a glitch or something new a camper can do because of an update?
  4. Jackfrost


    Same!!! Bluebear moved into my hybrid garden and now I really hate her. I had to scan a card in just to kick her out
  5. Jackfrost

    Why Don't Villagers Have Mailboxes?

    I just noticed that villagers don't have mailboxes. How do they even receive letters then? I've been playing ACNL for almost two years now and I've never noticed this!
  6. Jackfrost

    Male or Female?

    I'm a male. And Its kinda surprising to hear that a good majority are female though, I usually always see males whenever I decide to play online with somebody!
  7. Jackfrost

    Clothing  Yoonbum's Green Shirt (Killing Stalking)

    This took awhile to do because I couldn't find any good reference pictures, but I've finally finished!
  8. Jackfrost

    Are you scared of tarantulas?

    I HATE them! I'm in the process of reorganizing my flowers, and every time I see one I think its a black rose (because I have a lot of them in my town) and end up getting attacked.
  9. Jackfrost

    How would you feel?

    I'd love that if it happened. I only play video games on my Nintendo DS anyways. Plus I don't see myself buying a Nintendo switch anytime soon (I usually wait a few years for the price to drop a bit).
  10. Jackfrost

    What's a villager that gives you nostalgia?

    For me it would be Kidd! He was one of my favorite villagers when I had my first town.
  11. Jackfrost

    Which villager do you wish you were closer friends?

    Vesta! She was probably my favorite sheep villager and she moved away pretty quickly for me to be friends with her
  12. Jackfrost

    Favorite time of day music?

    I love 1am because the music sounds so calm and peaceful
  13. Jackfrost

    What weather do you wish was in New Leaf?

    I really want fog! I feel like that'd be nice to see on occasion
  14. Jackfrost

    I feel bad for Isabelle a little

    I actually don't feel sorry for her. I used to, but then I realized that Digby has it worse. He has to be outside all day (even when it rains out), and he can't even be at the plaza on special occasions. I mean, at least Isabelle is in town hall when it thunderstorms out.