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  • I'm really sorry hon. Do you mind coming to my town just for a second? I wanna give you a gift since I caused this. ^^;
    Gates are open. Come when you're ready. I don't know how you're even supposed to do this, though.. i'm sorry.
    Sorry for such a late reply, but sure. BTW, do you mind if someone else does something? My friend is picking up Chevre. Let me open my gates.
    If you're not at work, we can actually do it right now.
    I don't know how you're supposed to do this even though he's already gone.. I'm sorry I feel like I crushed your dream of getting Moose.. ; - ;
    We can do 4:30 PM PST, which would be 6:30 PM CST for me. Do you mind giving me a message when it's time? I tend to get off track easily.. ^^;
    I have until 10 AM central time to do the trade. I'm sorry if i'm rushing you.
    I have a schedule to fix my computers battery charger at 10 AM.
    Oh um
    I literally have 5 more minutes out of 5 more days without my laptop, i'm sorry. I'll try not to go to any other towns, i'm sorry.
    This might take a while..
    I'm actually at work right now :( can I come visit in a few hours or whenever you're available after like 3 hours? Sorry for the inconvenience..
    i am really sorry honey but my laptop has stopped working and i only have around 5 minutes left on it ATM. moose accidentally moved out since i didn't play for a day. i feel horrible, i am really sorry, honey.
    Sorry about Moose! I hope you get him soon. =)

    No worries, it's not a waste if it's appreciated. ^_^
    Gruff in in boxes for my cycling town! I'm leaving him overnight, so you will have a chance if you get on by tomorrow morning. =)
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