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  • I just got back now. I have a collaboration assignment at 2:30 so I should have time in maybe 2 hours? Unless we can do it very quickly right now. Though I can not be a minute late to the collab or ill get a zero.
    Awesome. I'm going to my school today to take u.s. history EOC since I'm normally virtual school so I don't go to an actual school unless for state testing and today is a state test so I should be back later today and I can pay then. :)
    Yeah i didn't expect it to branch out how it is now, especially how it is now, it all started out like a joke, my gimmick on here(of course Bob is still AC Jesus) but it all just blew up. Thankfully it's dying down a bit this week lol
    Your probably gonna faint in disgust when you see it but okay I'll try to make some time this weekend as I'm very busy during the week. Shading is definitely something I'm terrible at so Im not sure if i should color it or not.
    Yay awesome. And I kinda gave up a while ago and threw all of my art away since it was only paper art. I recently had a drive to learn art again. I really would prefer to start off on the basics. Symmetry-Lines-Balance-Shading. How do you get your art on the computer? Do you do it on paper and then upload it on a computer or is it all through computer software?

    The only time I ever drew good art was in the 5th grade when I won an art contest for Christmas time. Besides that I never really made anything worth while. So I'm just hoping to honestly learn everything I need to be amazing like you. :)
    Yes I'll be dedicated. I would be happy when I get good enough to open my own art shop. This will be so much fun I'm so excited to finally learn. I have another question for my art commission I've noticed you are really good with layers and was wondering if when you start mine if you could do black hair with a purple/blue or red highlight. I have a very weird taste in art. XD
    Haha, I can hardly get it to work when I start with color for some reason. My eyesight's not the best so when I pick my color palate I sit there and go "Hmm this'll work great!" and then wonder why everything looks so flat.
    Yep. I also saw your grayscale to color 'mini' magazine thing. It's my preferred method, so it stuck out to me.
    I'd love that! I saw your tutorial actually a while back. I've seen you around the internet before :)
    That's makes me so excited. I learn best when I'm pushed to the limit. So yell if you must. Jk xD

    Also when its my turn to pay I have the Sweets, Gorgeous sets and 7-11 ABD is that okay? I tried to get the safe back but my friends never online anymore. I'll add money if you feel those 3 items aren't enough.
    Your art is beautiful. Do you have any progress shots by any chance? I'm really interested to know what your base-work looks like.
    I left you a reply on that sticky thread in the museum section. And I'm still super excited for my art commisoned from you. ^_^
    No problem c: will you be online tomorrow? Will it be okay if I pick up my items then?
    Okay, my gates are open when you're ready. Your bells are in front of the trainstation and the items are near the campsite and on the east beach. You're really welcome to anything in town.
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