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  • I love lolly so much. I sold here from my other town, not my main since I would never let that lolly go
    Selling stuff like full sets. People pay tons for those, especially zodiac so on my second town if I'm not cycling I just get one or two and sell it. Also I sell some villagers. Today I sold lolly for a small fortune
    Lol. I try not to spend all my bells on everything which I would, but I want the ABD and thrill probably do a big bell giveaway for dreamiest or something. Haven't decided yet
    I think about 30 mil away. I would only be 10 but I spend 20 to get someone their dreamie but it's ok, it was worth it
    Sure! I need to update my dream town as I added more PWPs and kicked Whitney out because I wanted to put a fountain where her house was...so now I have Erik :3 he's too cute. I'll let you know after I finish TTing to get more zodiac sets to tree or sell. I'm no a quest to get 100 million bells for the ABD...I'm pretty far away lol
    I can start whatever day you want to as I have my game locked and ready, except for restarting it lol
    Sure thing! I'll restart mine when you get yours so it's a nice, new palette of villagers
    Let me know when you wanna start that cycling thread, if you still do of course :)
    Well that is very kind! I appreciate it :3
    Do you still want me to buy whatever you're selling?
    Sure thing, I already did a rough draft so it's not like ti would have taken long anyhow
    Finished but idk where to put it since it wont allow me to on your page or in a PM
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