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  • Hiya! I've got some funky issues with my internet, but I'm the one getting Stitches from you. :D

    Have to wait for my boyfriend to come home to figure out my messed-up internet, but I'm super excited to finally get this going! <3
    Hi sorry! You weren't online so I went to make dinner.

    Can you please add the fc under the lofty spoiler in my signature?
    I'll be over when I see your gates c:
    Hey I'm sorry but I just ended up resetting my town. People weren't getting back to me about the villagers they wanted and I had them in boxes and it was stuffing me around so I just reset my town. Sorry :(
    Mmkay, is it okay if I can do it tomorrow, tonight is rather tiring and it's a high chance of me falling asleep halfway dropping the money xD
    Yeah that's fine, what is your payment method you prefer? Retail or dropped?
    Ohhhh yes, very interested. For free or for sale? If for sale, how much? and if deal, i'll take her into my cycling town since my main town currently doesn't have room x3
    Ohhhh i see, yeah, hmu when she's in boxes x3, i really appreciate it. Thank you.
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