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  • Hi, in case you didn't see it - I'd give you Tangy for 25tbt because I'd feel horrible if you didn't get her just because I was looking for more payment!

    Edit: Sorry, you went offline and I was about to go to sleep so I needed Tangy gone. :(
    Hey i have purrl in boxes, ill hold her for 1 hour if you do not reply within that time she will be voided
    Hi! Sorry I missed you! I am available all day today, I will check TBT throughout the day and hopefully I'll be able to catch you online!
    Hello. Your PM is full so I thought of messaging you here c:. I wanted to know if you come to my town or I'll come to your town sometime today. If it takes me a sec to reply I'm sorry, I'm spring cleaning lol. Just let me know c:
    Seems like you did not add my FC, and went offline after requesting for Purrl. I'll have to assume you do not wanna proceed with the adoption, and move on with cycling.
    Hi: Hope you are on your way to pickup Purrl? Please add Tamago's FC: 0018-2294-3369.
    Gates are open for you. If you still don't see them pls let me know. Thanks!
    Hi, I'm sorry I wasn't on when you were ready, it's 2:30am right now but I should be awake by 11am-12pm ^^ I'll add you
    Hey. Are you still wanting tom? I about to start cycling in that town to get him out to you if you still want him.
    hi!! your pm's are full. this is what i've got for you:

    the fc is a different font because 'chocolate dealer' doesn't have numbers. a symbol just comes up instead of numbers. the rainbow popsicle sprite, i had to make myself (i used the same one i made in atanos' signature), so if you'd like to switch out for a different sprite, please tell me! i won't be offended.

    if there's anything you'd like changed, really, just say so. i want the signature to be perfect. c:
    Wait, are you wanting Bob or Tom? You reserved Tom. I don't have Bob in my town. LMK.
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