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  • It's ok. Same here and it's definitely a learning curve with all the restrictions for trading compared to New Leaf.
    You can open your island to everyone because we haven't added each other as best friends yet on our nookphone. Once I get there please add me as a best friend on the nookphone so I can drop off your items.
    No problem! I love wrapping the gifts, it makes them so cute and of course a surprise since I added some extra goodies! I hope you enjoy them, or at least make some bells off of them! :D
    Hey! Just wanted to let you know that my home wifi has been down all day today. We've contacted our provider and they said they're working on it. I'll keep you posted, but we may not be able to meet today. Sorry! I'll be in touch, I appreciate your patience!
    Hey there!

    It will be 6tbt for the items you ordered <3
    I'm available from now until 12pm and then I'll be on later tonight around 6-10pm
    ah, you said it would be 1 TBT each for the sets? it's okay, though! would perhaps 20 TBT be okay?
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