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  • Hey!
    I find the picture of Eugene & Alice so cute, that I decided to edit it a bit (make transparent background + hearts are glittery now).. I've credited you. Just wanted to ask if that's fine for you like that! :)
    Ah I'm sorry we keep missing each other, and sorry for my absence the past few days! Hopefully I'll be around tomorrow and will be able ot open gates! So sorry about that!
    Give me a few mins to put everything in my locker and I'll be there!
    I'm really bad at timezone differences ;_ ; but I'm online now and not sure what time it is for you~ but I'm usually available around this time
    ahh are you sure?
    (I feel really bad for just getting the bells without getting you anything in return ;v;)
    (ahh thank you for the bells, I'm so sorry this is taking so long!!)

    I'm available at anytime excluding 7 AM to 4 PM PST (10 AM to 7 PM EST for you I believe) on weekdays, and for Saturday I'm available at anytime ;v;
    Oh and I been offline most of the time on saturday and friday and today I wasn't on acnl or belltree at all just now.
    (I believe that EST is PST +2? sorry I'm terrible with timezones)

    It's fine ^^ I believe that would be 7 AM for me(?)
    ohh that's fine no worries ! c:
    Yes i'm still interested in our trade, lmk when you can stop by <3
    Ahh I'm finding it really difficult to catch you, would you VM me whenever you're available?
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