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  • Oh my god! I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry but KATT HAS LEFT ME WITHOUT EVEN TELLING ;-;!!!!!!!! Is there any other villager you are looking for?
    Okay, I'm sorry, I held Katt for a day now, I AM NOT GOING TO SELL HER TO SOMEONE ELSE, but I will decline her move. Please be online tommorow because I'm sure Katt will move soon. Thank you for any inconvenience :blush:
    I'm going to sleep soon. PLEASE PLEASE I BEG YOU please be available in the morning (UTC+10). This is getting a tiny annoying and I might have to end up selling her to someone else :c

    Not meaning to be rude, again
    Please be available soon, it's the holidays and I want to get as much done as I can ;u; I've never held no unpopular villager for this long ._.

    If you are not available today, please be available before 9am UTC+10 tommorow :blush:
    I randomly saw your post in a cycling thread and thought I'd explain some stuff to you.
    in boxes: when someone has a villager that is 100% ready to move out.
    lurkers: people that sign up at a cycling thread. They pick a villager or three or whatever the allowed amount is, and when that villager gets in boxes, they are notified. Remember that this almost always does not actually guarantee them getting the villager, only that they are notified.
    reservation: when you reserve a villager for yourself, you usually pay an extra fee to ensure that you get the villager when they get in boxes.
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