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  • aah thank you for your kind words :) I'm glad you enjoyed it and it was a pleasure to be a part of :blush:
    Thank you very much for the kind words, and I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed yourself! I hope you have a wonderful day as well. :blush:
    Hey, imma head off for tonight since it's getting late here, but I just wanted to say it was awesome meeting you! Tbh I've never seen anyone as kind and optimistic as you on here for the multiple years I've been on and off, and every post I've seen of yours has put a smile on my face. Thanks for the chat today and I hope we can chat again soon! Sleep well! ;D
    Yeah, I don't even want to THINK of the Calc exam yet ahaha rip. And wowzers! Congrats on your score! I got a 3 on the last one I took, so at least it's a pass xD. It's good you got yourself some good teachers for your classes, since the teacher is a lot of the time what makes or breaks the class!

    I still have yet to finish Skyward Sword as well, and I paid a lot of moola for that game lol. My favorite out of them all would have to be Majora's Mask, both the original and 3D! The dark overtone and liveliness of the world's people and places was outstanding for its time (thanks to all those sidequests), and I think it still holds up today! I've never played Minish Cap, so I don't know how that is, but I'm sure it's fantastic!
    Oh, awesome! And I sure hope so! AP Calc is the biggest pain in the butt so far thanks to the fact you can't use a calculator on the tests, which will probably screw me over pfft. AND APUSH YES, THE STRUGGLE! It was certainly a challenging class, but it brought me and my classmates together since we all complained all the time like it was some sort of club ahaha. The only subject I'm not in honors in is language so I don't know how that goes much, except from hearing my friends talk about it. Good luck with those this year, I'm sure you'll do great!

    Hmmm, I've played a lot of Zelda: OOT (3D), Wind Waker, Link's Awakening DX, Four Swords, Majora's Mask (3D and Original), Skyward Sword, and I've played Twilight Princess some! GET HYPE FOR BREATH OF THE WILD AYYY! And that's cool! Hopefully you can visit there again sometime soon and enjoy yourself!
    Oh, really? What grade will you be going into?, if you're comfortable with me asking that is. I'm a senior in highschool now so I'm taking a lot of Honors/AP classes that can really expect a lot of you like Gov't, Calc, or Physics, but I make it through every year so I'm sure I can this year too! >:3

    Oooooh, yaas! I love Zelda and tons of RPGs! I'm normally a bigger fan of real-time or strategy RPGs vs Turn Based, but it really depends! And over swimming, I swam almost everyday in the summer thanks to this giant pond I have in my backyard! It's a lot of fun with family =)
    That's awesome to hear! I've had a decent day myself; it would be fantastic if it weren't for some school stress pushing on me haha.
    I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a gamer, since I'm really fascinated by all the genres and types of games companies are churning out in this day and age! Swimming is pretty great too, and I draw sometimes whenever I feel inspired when I have nothing else to do. What about you? :D
    I'm sorry but I've seen you around and you seem like such a sweet person, so I have to say hi. How was your day? =)
    Why thank you. I'm glad that you loved it. I have ideas, I just haven't been in the mood to write.

    Would you mind if I add you via FC? Though fair warning, I'm only really on in my evenings and weekends.
    Actually, on Friday night my girlfriend made me dinner. Entre was bruschetta, followed by a main of okonomiyaki, and the night was finished with caramel tarts, topped with sliced bananas and cream. Everything was to die for.

    And funnily you mentioned about me writing, because I do. Well I used to, I just haven't found the motivation or time lately. I'm barely an amateur in my opinion, and haven't had anything published... nor do I think I ever will. However, here's my DA where I used to post things:
    it's ok, I can still answer xD I'm super into pokeheroes right now, but I guess that's not a true game per se... I also am playing a lot of Don't Starve as well on the PC c: what about you?

    AND YAH FELLOW MINNESOTAN~ I always get super psyched when I see someone else from MN here because it almost never happens -3- I'm in a first ring suburb of Minneapolis, so yah last winter was not bad at all. I think they're predicting a milder winter again this year (PLEASE GOD lol). so are you a Vikings fan then? and are you going to the state fair? :>
    Depends... would you call going to a subpar restaurant, that was once good, for dinner as a curse? Don't get me wrong, food was edible and I left full, but portions were smaller than I remember and I was left wanting due to poor flavours.

    And I couldn't help that you also can't decide on a display avatar, as I'm pretty sure you've changed twice since I read your first message.

    Also I couldn't help but notice on your about me section that you write, I don't suppose you have anything posted?
    aaa, TBT glitched or something and didn't alert me to your VM -3-

    awh, thank you! and nah, don't be shy, I'm not that cool and I like to chat with people c:
    Hi and thanks for the birthday wishes. And it's better a late birthday wish than a birthday curse. Also thanks for liking the name... it's something I've had for a while now on pretty much any site/service I go on :p

    I hope you have a great weekend.
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