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  • gates are open :p also if you want any of the flowers in front of the station, have at them, cause i need to get rid of them XD
    That's alright. I understand the pain of cycling while protecting your dreamies. D:

    I'll wait. Hopefully, she'll be adopted tonight, but it's not the end of the world if I have to wait until tomorrow. ^-^
    By the way, I love your dreamies (I have Dierdre and Maple XD) and I love your profile picture (Madoka Magica broke my heart ;-;)!
    I finished the movie! Thank you for being patient. How has your cycling been going? ^-^
    I'm watching a movie, so I won't be cycling for over an hour (if you get space during the movie, I can stop to open my gate ^-^). My guess would be an hour and a half, if that's alright with you. :D
    Hello. I'm glad that you would like her! I have her in boxes. Please message me when you have space. Also, I apologize if I don't message back immediately, but I'm a little occupied. >.<
    Are you still searching for Apple? She's moving from my cycling town. I'm afraid I can't hold her for long, but she's free.
    Yeah the graphics in ACNL are amazing. I don't know what it was about WW but it felt... too small on the screen? ACNL feels perfect. Plus the QR Codes are amazing!
    That's neat! I think ACNL is the best since the original. I didn't care much for Wild World but I really liked City Folk
    I've played Animal Crossing since... 2003? or whenever the first one came out... played each game and I've had New Leaf since December :D (My boyfriend got it for me for Christmas!)
    Eek! Turn it off and leave it off for a while. If you try to turn it back on too soon (wait a week) you might try something
    I forgot Gracie stuff was that expensive. The trade we did was fine. I'm sick and can't think straight. ;p Thanks for the wall!
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