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  • i absolutely BINGED it hahaha, i was non stop playing for hours when it came out but now i've toned it down, just waiting on my one true luv shane to become available! and ye i absolutely love anything farming related, it reminds me of old harvest moon games, it's so charming! SO YOU GOT YOUR EYE ON ANYONE???
    OMGGGG!! Cleganebowl is what i have been waiting for too! Also yes i really hope Danny and Jon form an alliance. I also think that Bran will some how bring down the wall when he tries to pass through it, and in turn starting the war against the dead. I also think he is somehow Bran the Builder
    I know right she is so beautiful, very envious. I cannot wait till the next season!! Have any theories for whats going to happen? Oh btw im adding you on the 3ds. I see you also have your psn ID displayed, what kind of games do you play?
    Ehhhhh that's pushing it, you're not ALWAYS right :rolleyes: yooure actually more like an angel than a goddess :p
    what the heck lucy why are all your posts so thoughtful and wise every time i read them im like duuude shes right in every way
    I haven't played Birthright yet, so we're sort of in the same boat. :p Without revealing any spoilers, no the game still focuses on going forth and attacking. I won't say anything else. Conquest is supposed to be the harder of the two from what I've read, so be prepared for that. I really do like the story so I hope you get the chance to play it.

    I'd like to play all three paths as well, but I'm a little short on fun money these days. My car just got a terminal sentence and only has 6 months left to live, so I need to save what I can to get a new (to me) car. :(
    I prefer Nohr, though it's more to do with their story. It's interesting to play as the "enemy" and fighting for good from the inside out.
    Thank you. I wish I knew who the artist was, but I found it on google with a few different sources, so I'm not sure who originally created it.
    Hey! I finally got that tumblr :D idk if you remember me from a few months ago but i got it c: its This If hope you dont mind if i used the same theme, as it looked v pretty c:
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