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  • Hi I'll be home it about 2 hours sorry. If someone really wants to buy it's ok if you sell it to them. Since you'll have to wait for me and stuff =/
    Sorry I went to bed and couldn't reply now I'm at school so I won't be able to trade. I will be on again at 1am pst if you're still up and haven't sold the item.
    I'm in the middle of another trade, I can come over in like 10 minutes if you'd like~
    Your joking! I went to Oahu last summer and I loved it! I visited Waikiki and Honolulu and it was the best experience of my life, haha. That's why I named my town that :)
    You can add your friend code by going to the about me tab on your home page, and just look for the place where you can put in your friend code. Hopefully I made sense!
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