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  • Hey :D I've been tad busy today and tomorrow for real stuff, sorry! I'm not sure what timezone you're in, but if there's time you could possibly leave it open for me, let me know beforehand? So I'll let you see if I can visit!
    That happens, I see what you mean. When I'm thinking about something in my head, the words are sometimes in Japanese, and sometimes in English. Japanese doesn't have much variety in swearing (shhhh)
    Yes, English class is mandatory in elementary and mid school over here. And aw thank you ;v; but my English is actually pretty spotty mmmm.. Someone who's claiming that he's my bf says "You're a C" regarding my English. (ꐦ°᷄д°᷅) But learning different language is kind of fun. ^^
    Ah, yeah I feel the same. I like ground showing and having QR path just where I want it to be. And no, it's not too much. ^^ I'm from Japan. I'm hybrid between Chinese, Taiwan, and Japanese. My relatives live pretty randomly in different countries, the US, UK, Australia, Switzerland, Taiwan, and Japan.
    I meant to reset, but that town started to grow on me so I've been taking care of it without resetting after all, haha. By the way this is other FC of the town to hold flowers.
    That's fine :) I have a trade before you, so it will be a few minutes before I have Tia ready
    Okay~ I'll keep my eyes out on my wall. :p And no, what I'm in dire need of is SPACE. haha aha. But if you get chocolate coins from Guliver at times, I'd love that<3 Thank you for asking!
    Hey :D Yes, I'll spare some with you and deliver them to your town if you could leave your gates open for me WHEN YOU ARE ABSENT, like when you're going out or going to bed? Would it be a-yes? Or a-no?
    No worries at all! That's awesome you found a villager, and thank you for the TBT. It's very sweet of you ^^
    Please don't worry about giving back thing! I just wanted to see the cute lights on you~ :p And ah thank you for asking, but I don't think I'll have a space for new villagers anymore. The Rod was the last one I've been waiting to see again, after losing him BY MY FAMILY VOIDING MY ROD ACCIDNETALLY...!! xD
    Wah!! I just realized the PM!! You didn't need to...! ;v; Please be sure to shoot me a VM before making a buying thread, when you ever need something for your town next! Thanks again<33
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