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  • Excellent! Thank you for arranging it in list form, adding you to the outstanding orders list now. I will VM you when your order is ready for collection. :)

    P.S You may want to empty out your inbox because it's full ;)
    Hi! Your order is ready! Please VM when you've added me and whether or not you'd like me to drop off or to pick up! (I won't be on until at least 1 PM EST!)
    Man, we need someway to communicate better haha. I have discord. Do you have the chat for the forums on it if you have discord? I had already started with something else. Although, it is tedious, I do like how this one is coming out at the moment. ;x
    omg. I wish I had known the actual dress look. LOL I MADE IT ENTIRELY DIFFERENT UGH. +starts over.+ XD
    okay, uh. i need to know something. I forgot exactly how the back of that hair looks like. Is it a bun or a ponytail?
    Dear Guilder,

    This is your third kind Raskell here just letting you know that the guild is hosting a song of the week and a villager of the week now. If you have requests, please share it via the thread. We're taking in requests for this week (2/26/17 to 2-4-17). Once the week is over the guild master, pinkcotton, will put all of the requests into a random generator. You may only request one song and villager per week. Thank you.

    Heart to heart,
    TK Raskell
    Hello! :) Sorry for the bother, but I was wondering if you're still participating in my dream game?
    I'm asking this to any "missing" people from a week or more.
    wow, thank you for all the kind words! I'm really glad you enjoyed it <3 thank you for taking the time to review my town :) hope you have a great day!
    Hello! :) Thanks for participating in my dream little game. The thing you must find and snap is:

    Octavian's house (preferable indoors)
    Thank you again for helping..I have Pascal and Ellie in my campground would you like to visit? One last many RV's can we have at a time?
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