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  • lol nah it actually isnt the sun rise flag on the background, but it originally is white and red which really makes it resemble the flag but nope its not hahah sooo i just made it yellow and red bc the flag is a bit controversial :^\ lmao
    Sorry for the late reply!

    Really? I think Dutch sounds really cool! And since I lived most of my life next to the Netherlands, I always thought it would be cool to actually speak the language so I could talk to Dutch people more xD It's kinda funny because I used to always go to the Netherlands to buy new Pokémon games because those are in English and I prefer English over German^^ (And the language in Pokémon games can't be changed). I guess the shop owner (it was just a small shop) was really confused why I would buy the games there instead of buying them in German in Germany lol

    Yay it would be soo nice of you if you could send me those lessons to learn some basic stuff! Yes, I understand some written Dutch but I can't pronounce anything in Dutch and I don't know many words either XD And of course, I'd be happy to teach you some German (although I don't have any lessons or anything like that). But maybe I can think of something if you like^^
    Sorry, I cant speak Dutch myself but I understand Dutch a little due to having lived next to the Dutch border most of my life! XD Yes, Aachen is in Germany but Vaals is in the Netherlands! Ive always wanted to learn Dutch but my school never offered Dutch courses unfortunately ): Have a nice day yourself :)
    Hello! :) How are you?
    I read in a topic that you're from Limburg? Im actually from Aachen which is pretty much next to Vaals :)
    I think it's funny to see someone on an American/English Animal Crossing board who lives so close by!
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