Auction Zell - the smug deer (looking for japanese items)

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DLC huntress
May 12, 2014
100% (44) +
Hi there,

Zell, the smug deer, is in boxes in my cycle town right now.

I don't want anything for him except stuff from THIS list.

The person who offered me the most gets him!

You don't have any of these items? Doesn't matter. If you're the only and/or fastest one with nothing to offer and nobody with items writes after you he's yours for free!

The auction ends in one hour.

If you're not here at the end of it, the next best offer/fastest person will get him. And please make sure to have space. I actually don't have time to wait.

Good luck!

PS: BONUS: If you can offer me the whole list of items, you get more time than the hour to make space or whatever you need to do then!
Nobody? I give him 5 more minutes then he'll be voided. Come on guys, hes basically free...
I'd love to not void him but I lack time...
But he gets 5 more minutes because of your nice push!
Did you check the Looking For thread? Im sure someone on there would love him... **I hope so**
All I can offer is a shoji piece but please don't void :(

Great! That's enough; like I said, he'd even be for free if you don't have more, so I gladly take that!

Gonna write you a PM, my friend code is not up to date as far as I know
Thanks for the item, enjoy Zell! And special thanks to Karminny for not giving up!

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