You know you play too much ACNL when you?

When you can't tell the difference between ACNL and real life. One day last. week, I got home from work and did my chores: water the plants, feed the pet and pay my credit cards online. Then I started playing Animal Crossing and watered the flowers, gave a pear to Dr Shrunk and paid off some of my mortgage to Tom Nook... so which of these is real? :confused:
When your 3DS running out of battery or you accidentally turning it off is the worst thing that can happen in your day :p
Probably already been said, but if you plan your irl social events around your ACNL social events...
When you see a star-shaped mark on the floor and wonder what kind of fossil will be beneath it.
When you have the urge to shake trees and wish fruit would fall off as easy as that
Watching a programme about whale sharks and thinking, "yeah, I could easily catch that with a fishing rod and hold it up with one hand"
When you wish the big Dr Who announcement wasn't going to be at 7pm tonight because it clashes with the fireworks!
When you accidentally say 'bells' instead of your normal currency. Seriously embarrasing.

Today I was looking out of the window on a flight and it was quite dirty. We were flying over the ocean and a smudge on the window looked like a fish shadow. I instinctively grabbed my bag to get out my fishing rod. Yes this happened.
When you go to do yard work or gardening, you visualize it thinking, I'll just remove these blackberries and weeds in one easy swoop and plant that flower over there no problem. And then you realize digging holes, pulling weeds and planting takes hard physical effort.
When you get praised in biology class for being able to name fish from memory
and it's all from AC
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Years ago I put together a "you know you're obsessed when" list for AC:WW so I've nicked some from there that are still relevant:

When you start to think 200 pounds (or dollars etc) is a fairly reasonable price for a cup of coffee.

When visiting someone’s house you knock and enter immediately no matter what.

You see someone scratch themselves you instantly grab a net and whack them.

You can’t understand why the debt collectors keep bugging you about paying up, the last guy you owed money to never even asked for it.
When you see a large beetle (see my location - yes, I'm talking about the large Japanese beetles) on your porch IRL and wish you could sell it for $10,000 (or even 10,000 yen - that's still almost $100 USD).

When you can't sleep because you're busy thinking up how you want to re-arrange your house or re-landscape your town.

Yes, these things do actually happen to me. >_<
When you dream about a specific villager because you love them so much.

Phoebe was in my dream. Even though I was asleep for an hour, she was the main plot of my dream..