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Native Fruit
Today I woke up and learned how to DIY. It was a cool experience, and I got a Fishing Rod out of it, as well as several DIY recipes. Later today I plan on weeding my entire island to get some seed money as well as to beautify it.
After my last post, I finished the weeding and spoke to both of my villagers. I ended up weeding my island (or at least, the parts I could access) and delivered 5 local species to Tom Nook. After that, he had me place Blathers' Tent.
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Yesterday I was unable to turn in specimens because I had ended up giving Blathers 15 specimens on Saturday, so the museum was under construction. This was especially unfortunate because I went diving and found a whole bunch of new specimens to turn in, as well as two scallops, one of which I gave to Pascal in exchange for a Mermaid Vanity DIY recipe.
Today I was extremely productive on my Island! I finished gathering materials for Nook's Cranny, while also placing the building. In addition, I met Wisp for the first time. I also weeded a bit, only having a bit left to do before my island (or at least, the first level of it) is completely weed-free! Lastly, I mapped out where I'm going to plant crops once I discover them.
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