Writing letters...


~ Carpe Diem ~
Apr 6, 2013
Yellow Pansy
Red Pansy
Yellow Pansy
Well, I started playing Animal Crossing GCN a couple days ago. I've never played the game before and I like it so far. The only thing that really bugs me is writing letters... Or writing anything really. It's very time consuming to write down the words letter after letter. I loved writing letters in the other games, but in this game it is something that takes about 15 minutes to do. Are there any ways to make it easier to write? And does anyone struggle with this as well?
I know what you mean. The only reason I "write" letters is to send fossils to the museum. I don't even write anything, I just put in a bunch of Enters in the letter. I also found it extremely time consuming, and I never really do it.
I rarely write letters for this very reason. Even when I send a fossil to the museum to be assessed I don't type anything; nor do I "put in a bunch of Enters". I usually only write letters when a villager makes a request. The only other time I'll write letters is to send clothes to a villager when I don't like what they're currently wearing, because they'll usually wear what you send them.

As for tips, I wish I had some for you, but I'm sorry to say that I don't.