Would you rather... live in a tiny house or a palace?

Tiny house or palace?

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I think I’d prefer a tiny house tbh! I am very chaotic and messy and small spaces are easier to keep tidy.
if the tiny home is not on wheels, has proper plumbing/electricity/insulation, is up to code, and I own the land that it sits on (and hopefully a bit of land around it), then I'd probably pick the tiny house! I kinda wish I could actually have a tiny home like that but it's still too expensive for me. I'd want a shed for extra storage outside the tiny home.

A palace would have a lot of utility bills and upkeep costs and all that. I'd struggle to fill a single room with stuff let alone the whole palace.. but it would be fun to like, rollerskate around an empty palace all day every day so that'd be kinda nice
Palace. The cleaning will be a pain, because I can't afford a housekeeper. However, I can rent out any extra rooms.
Tiny house. Easier and faster to clean. It also encourages not having much stuff. Cheaper. And maybe it can be on land that I can build a duck coop for 💕
Tiny house! Why? Because I hate cleaning and a palace seems too much to clean and the cost in heating and electric would drive me over the edge
I prefer the tiny house, the palace sounds like a bother tbh ^^u
tiny house, no way can I afford to furnish and maintain a palace 😭
Tiny house. I would never want to clean a palast LOL
tiny house - more homely and cosy, plus easier to decorate and keep clean, feel like a palace would feel kind of lonely
I picked the palace only because there's more space. I'm probably making the wrong decision, though.
A nice quaint house, something lovely and cozy to relax and unwind in. I think a palace would be way too stressful to maintain/upkeep and I am a terrible interior decorator so you can count on me not ever decorating it properly either lol
I adore quant little houses. I don't like having so many things and so much room so a small place is perfect.
Tiny house since I like things to be clean and maintaining an entire palace seems...stressful! I'd prefer something a bit larger than a tiny house, though. I like my space.
The tiny house is much more managable but you could fit a lot of pet rabbits in a palace.
If I don't have to share it with anyone I'll take the tiny house, but if anyone else is living there then I will need a palace because I need space to have my own personal space
Tiny house. I have enough things in my life. Last thing I need are empty rooms with even more things.
A palace would be too hard to upkeep and I'd realistically use very little of it (and good lord, the taxes), so I'd say tiny house. I don't think it would be ideal for me in the long-term (neither would a palace ahaha), but for where I am now in life at least, I think I could live relatively comfortably in one.