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Worth It?

Marky Mark

Senior Member
Mar 11, 2013
So I've been looking forward to this game for a long time now and just a few months ago I was 100% sure that I was going to get a 3DS when the game came out so that I could play it. But now, I'm just not so sure and I don't know why. I still want to play it and I have the money, but something is holding me back. So for those of you who do have the game, do you think it's worth getting a 3DS to play it? And is it worth it for the other games available for the 3DS?
I bought a 3DS for this game. I have acquired in that time Harvest Moon, Style Boutique and a Puzzler game as well. Personally I love the huge screen on the XL version and NL is better than I expected it to be now I'm playing it.

I plan at some point to pick up a couple of the Mario games, starting with Luigi's Mansion and maybe Mario Kart, and also Professor Layton. The DS is by far my most used console of all of the ones I own and there are planty of games that I'd one day like to buy for it.
I know exactly where you're coming from, I felt this way back when the 3ds was released too!!!
All I can say is see if there's a list of games that you want rather than buy a system just for one game. I personally love love love my 3ds and I have a good collection of games so if its a question about the system I would say its worth it aslong as there's games out there you want. (Sorry if I'm rambling, it's too early for my mind!) :) x
When the 3DS first came out, there wasn't very many good games for it. But now, there's lots of good games out for it and more coming all the time. There's great games to cover all tastes too. Fire Emblem, Shin Megami Tensei, Mario, Harvest Moon, Kid Icarus, Legend of Zelda... Heck, there's even going to be a 3DS Super Smash Bros. I think this is probably a GREAT time to buy a 3DS, whether you end up liking New Leaf or not.
New Leaf is my ONLY title on the 3ds! Have you read some critic reviews or look over on video playthroughs? It's a unique game, one that req. alot of commitment from the player. The reward is tons of personalization in a very, very charming world.

I don't play Nintendo's other famous franchises too much, but I've always been a Animal Crossing fan- & w/ that, I needed the 3ds... IT HAD TO BE DONE. =) Don't stress over the decision; take a few days & think it over. Good luck!
I personally find a 3DS worth owning, but I've loved Nintendo since the N64 days and keep up with some of their franchises to this day. This system has a lot of games worth owning imo. :)

I bought a 3DS on launch day for Zelda: OoT and the inevitable Animal Crossing. And while waiting I got a lot of other games and don't regret anything.
The 3DS is worth having just for Fire Emblem IMO. Chuck AC Into the mix and you have 100's of hours play time with these two games alone. :)
If I work out my cost per hour just on Fire Emblem, it works out at 80p and hour. A pint or a cinema ticket doesn't give that sort of value for money ;)
The only reason I bought a 3ds was for New Leaf and it was so worth it. I also bought Mario Kart 7 to keep me occupied till NL
I purchased New Leaf with an almost passive interest in the game. The last one I played was the original for Gamecube, so it's been a good long time since I last played any Animal Crossing. The game thrives on the 3DS! You can play the game casually, like I thought I would, but yeeeaaah... 50+ hours game time since release and still going strong, lol! It's a highly (and for most surprisingly) addictive game made better with the 3DS' portability and multiplayer options.

Coupled with a community like Bell Tree here, this game's longevity will run the course of the 3DS' lifespan (and beyond), guaranteed! I suggest investing in it, 'cause the game gives back way more than the price asked.
I did the same thing. I picked up the LE pikachu 3ds just to play NL.

Of course... I had to wait 3 months till I could use the thing, but definitely worth it. Plenty of other good games to pick up as well.
The only reason I got a 3DS was for NL. I got the bundle because it meant that I'd get both the game and the console at the same time. Personally, I think it's worth buying.
I'd say a 3DS is worth buying, obviously the graphics are improved compared to previous DS's. (such as the lite) Even if you dont use the 3d screen, I mostly turn this off. The only game I currently have is the Professor Layton game for 3ds, but my sister has pokemon. Main reason I wanted one was for Animal Crossing New Leaf which I'm collecting later today, the wait is killing me, haha. :D